The Student Leadership Institute is happy to announce that registration is now open for Block 1 of the Fall semester. We have a full line up of amazing sessions, so log onto OrgSync and go to the SLI Portal to check out the events listings. Block 2 sessions will be posted on October 13. Here are few things to keep in mind:
SLI Registration and Attendance
A registration reminder: Register ONLY for sessions that you know you will be attending. Every time you click 'attending,' it takes away a seat from another student, and many SLI sessions have limits on the number of students who can register. This year we will be tracking both who attended along who did not attend. When you have three absences, you will be placed on SLI Probation and will not be able to sign up for sessions right away when the next block is posted.
New changes to the SLI program
We now have card swipe technology to track attendance. At every SLI program you will need to bring your Ithaca College ID in order to confirm your attendance. Without your ID card, you will not be able to receive credit for the event you attend.
Checking your SLI records
There's an easy new way to view your SLI attendance records! Click on the ‘more’ tab in the SLI portal then click on ‘Involvement’. This will display all the SLI sessions you have received credit for. If there is anything missing from this list, please send an e-mail with the event date, time and name to