Want some help figuring out your life?


Contributed by Caryanne Keenan

Ok, so figuring out what you want to major in or do for a career can be a little scary. But here's the thing: there are specific steps you can take to find the right-fit major and career for you, and there's help! Career Services has several resources to help you through the process of self-exploration and career planning. You can come by drop-ins (M-Th 12-4, F 12-3), set up an individual career counseling appointment, use our Career Library, or apply for our Exploratory Career Coaching Group. The group is offered in the fall semester and is open to first and second year students.  

The Exploratory Career Coaching Group will be made up of 5 to 8 students who meet weekly to discuss their experiences and reflections, and receive guidance on self-exploration and career planning. So you get help with figuring out what you want to do with your life (for free), get to meet other people who are 'in the same boat' as you, and we have fun!

Discussions and activities will be facilitated by a professional career counselor and will include topics like: interests, skills, values, internships, resume writing, occupational research, and more. There will be some expectations/activities outside of the meeting times, such as creating a resume, researching occupations, and completing career-related inventories.

Participants in this group are expected to attend all 9 meetings in the fall semester. A weekly meeting time will be chosen based on a time when the highest number of participants can attend. The group will begin the last week in September or first week in October.

Applications for the Exploratory Career Coaching Group are due Sept. 19 and can be found here or by stopping by Career Services in Muller 101. There is no charge for participating in the group, nor is it for academic credit; it’s simply available for students who want to take advantage of Career Services as a resource. 

So whether you stop into drop-ins, meet one-on-one with a career counselor, or apply for the group, we hope to see you in Career Services so we can help you with finding the major(s) and career(s) that are right for YOU!

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Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Caryanne Keenan at ckeenan@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-3365. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.


