The Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management's Student Auxiliary Safety Patrol (SASP) is hiring!
SASP is a group of 35 to 40 students who patrol the campus nightly from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. or 3:00 a.m. whenever classes are in session. These students also operate the campus escort program, perform blue-light emergency phone checks, and assist with special events.
SASP members are trained to be alert to the safety needs of the Ithaca College community as they patrol the residence halls, parking lots, and other areas of campus. SASP members maintain radio contact with Public Safety and can request officer assistance whenever needed. Its employees work as an additional level of safety for the College community, providing closer student feedback and improved relations between Public Safety and the College community.
Interested in learning more? Click on to apply. Applications will not be accepted after September 12th so don't delay!