Speakers Needed for IC's Faculty & Staff Lecture Series at Longview


Contributed by Christine Pogorzala

Ithaca College has had a very successful partnership with Longview, a retirement community located on Danby Road, for the past 15 years.  Part of this relationship has involved an ongoing Faculty & Staff Lecture Series at Longview.

Speakers are needed for the following Wednesday evenings (7-8 PM):

                                          October 22nd   

                                          November 5th

These presentations are held in the Longview auditorium.  This is a great opportunity to share expertise on a topic with a very appreciative audience! 

Examples of presentations from the past academic year include:

·        The Cold War in Books and in Memory

·        Laugh at Yourself First, Before Anyone Else Can!: Reading of Humorous Verse

·        Conversations with a “21st Century Mystic” – A Lecture Based on Fieldwork in the Ashram of a Female Guru in India

         Trinacria: A Tale of Bourbon Sicily - A Reading by the Author

·        A Trip to Amsterdam

·        What is Mathematical Magic?

Contact Chris Pogorzala, the Ithaca College/Longview Coordinator if interested:

               274-1051 or pogorzal@ithaca.edu  



