NERCOMP 2015 - Call for Papers


Contributed by Irene Scott

As a member of NERCOMP (NorthEast Regional Computing Program), all Ithaca College administration, faculty, staff and students are invited to submit proposals for the April annual conference.  The deadline is Friday, October 17th. The announcement from NERCOMP is posted below.

NERCOMP 2015 - Deadline Approaching to Submit Proposals

NERCOMP | March 30–April 1 | Providence, Rhode Island

Our everyday actions and decisions impact one another and the future of our higher education IT community. From the frontline staff up to the CIO, we are all in it together

Time is running out to submit your proposals for the NERCOMP Annual Conference 2015 . Your knowledge, experience, and ideas make you a thought leader and a vital part of the higher education IT community.

Showcase solutions, initiate discussions, or share effective strategies on one of the follow topics (full descriptions available via the "Submit Proposal" link, below):

Proposal Deadline: October 17th, 2014

Submit Proposal

Find Out More:
Who Participates      Travel Information     Proposal Checklist

Thank you,
Lisa DiMauro
Director of Operations