You can rent-a-rower on November 2 to get the job done!


Contributed by Becky Robinson

Once again, the men's and women's rowing team is offering to do jobs for the campus community.  You can hire 2 - 12 (or more!) workers to rake leaves, stack wood, dig ditches, clean garages, move furniture, or whatever you may need help with. 

When; Sunday afternoon, November 2, 2pm.

Where; Pick up your workers at the flag-pole outside Textor Hall on campus.  Return them to campus when the work is done.

How: Each worker costs $35.  The minimum order is two.  They are prepared to work until 5pm or until it gets dark.  E-mail Coach Dan at or call at 274-1266 to put in your request.  Individual workers have the right to turn down a job that they deem too risky.

Direct all questions to Coach Dan (274-1266,  You will pay the workers directly with cash or check made out to Ithaca College Crew.

We can help you with your big jobs.  Rent-a-Rower!