ITS Technology Survey Seeks Campus Participation


Contributed by Karen Compton

Submitted on behalf of Keith W. "Mac" McIntosh, Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer, ITS


My name is Keith W. McIntosh. I go by "Mac." I recently joined Ithaca College as the Associate Vice President, Information Technology Services​ and Chief Information Officer (CIO). ​One of my first priorities as your CIO, in addition to meeting everyone, is getting an assessment of our current technology services to determine a baseline for improvement and planning for the future. I've chosen to use the Higher Education TechQual+ Project for this assessment.

We will be conducting an annual survey which seeks to gather campus perspectives on the effective use and delivery of technology at Ithaca College. Your Information Technology Services (ITS) team will use the survey responses to shape our new Information Technology Strategic Plan development and guide decisions about how to wisely invest resources to support technology use at Ithaca College. The survey results will be made public to the entire institution.

A random selection of 25% of faculty, staff and students will be receiving an e-mail from me on Thursday, 10/23 with a subject line "Invitation to take 2014 TechQual+ Survey for Ithaca College Students, Faculty, and Staff". The survey will be open through November 7th, 2014 (edited from the original date of November 5th).

We very much appreciate and look forward to the insight that participants can provide in helping ITS assess our services and create a strategic technology plan for the college.

Keith W. "Mac" McIntosh
Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer
Information Technology Services
310 Job Hall