Second Update on the Search for a New Provost and Vice President for Educational Affairs


Contributed by Eileen Jacobs

Submitted on behalf of Luke Keller and Nancy Pringle, Search Committee Co-Chairs

This is another in a series of informational articles intended to update you on the work of the Provost and Vice President for Educational Affairs Search Committee.

The committee members met recently to discuss our progress and to initiate the systematic review of applications. This initial review, the first of several stages in the candidate vetting process, will continue until shortly after the October 30 deadline for applications. 

The multi-faceted process of building a robust and diverse pool of well-qualified candidates continues in earnest. We ask once more for your help in identifying promising prospects or people who might be able to suggest such prospects. Please reach out to us ( and or our consultant, Ms. Julie Tea (, with names and contact information related to any potential candidates. The nominations and suggestions that we receive from those closest to the Ithaca College family may be among the most meaningful in the process of candidate generation.

The committee members will meet again in early November to begin reducing the pool of applicants to a smaller group for further review and evaluation.

The search prospectus continues to be available for your review here.

On behalf of the search committee, we will continue to stay in touch with you throughout the process. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. 

Thank you for your support.