With Halloween approaching later this week, the Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management would like to provide a reminder to please be thoughtful and safe with regard to Halloween costumes and decorations. In particular, the use of simulated weapons can be a dangerous practice that creates a severe risk for both students and for Public Safety officers and other college staff.
Please evaluate carefully if the use of such an element in a costume or decoration could present any possibility of being confused for a real weapon, and if in doubt please do not use an item of that nature. Also, please be reminded that Ithaca College policy prohibits the use of firearms and other weapons, and that this policy extends to BB guns, pellet guns, springloaded guns, paintball guns, etc. If you would like an officer to evaluate the risk an item may present, whether for personal safety or for policy compliance, please contact the Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management and a staff member can assist you with that assessment. Thank you for your careful forethought and cooperation, and Public Safety wishes you a safe and enjoyable Halloween!