Registration is open for NERCOMP's upcoming workshop: “Student Employee Management: Effectively Motivating and Managing Performance to Enhance their Education”


Contributed by Irene Scott

As a member of NERCOMP (NorthEast Regional Computing Program), all Ithaca College administration, faculty, staff and students are eligible to attend workshops and Professional Development Opportunities at the discounted rate.

Monday, December 8, 2014

9:00 - 3:30 (Coffee and Registration start at 7:30am)

NERCOMP Members: $130, Non-Members: $260
Your fee includes continental breakfast and lunch.
Be sure to login to receive member prices.

University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA.

Employing students is much more than just an increased workforce - at educational institutions it is our responsibility to ensure that we are providing these students an education beyond the classroom. We must effectively motivate and manage our student employees to provide value to the community as well as the students we employ.

The morning session will feature presentations on creating a decentralized student team for administrative support; motivating and tracking student employees; and the process of developing an application for employee management. The afternoon session will be structured discussion groups on topics of the attendees choosing. These topics might include: Ideas for effectively motivating students; Balancing the demands of the services students are providing vs. creating educational opportunities for them; Creating metrics that measure the value of the education provided to student employees and how they are attaining these goals; or Assessing performance management needs for your institution and developing a plan for creating a management system.

For a full schedule and registration information, please go to:

To view other Professional Development opportunities, click here:

Thank you very much. We hope to see you on December 8th.

Lisa DiMauro
Director of Operations