Project Look Sharp Webinar: Teaching about the Middle East through Media Literacy


Contributed by Ari Kissiloff

On Thursday November 6th from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM EST, Chris Sperry, Project Look Sharp’s Director of Curriculum and Staff Development will be conducting a free webinar event about the Middle East through Media Literacy. 

Chris Sperry has had many years of experience with teaching high school students about the Middle East. During this webinar, Chris will explore the role that Media Literacy, Project-Based Learning and lesson design can play in motivating and engaging all students in deep scholarship, critical thinking and personal growth. Viewers will be introduced to lesson models from the Project Look Sharp curriculum kit, Media Construction of the Middle East, a video demonstration of the classroom media decoding process, a sample of a student simulated Middle East peace conference, and how teachers can teach key content while addressing common core standards in social studies and speaking and listening.

This webinar will be interactive with live chat, video demonstrations, polls, and a Q&A at the end! Free registration at

Project look Sharp is Ithaca College's Media Literacy Initiative. Project Look Sharp supports the integration of critical thinking through media literacy in school curriculum and teaching. They do this through developing and providing lesson plans, media materials, training, and support for educators at all education levels. The purpose of media literacy education is to help individuals of all ages develop the habits of inquiry and skills of expression they need to be critical thinkers, effective communicators, and active citizens in today’s world.