Park Productions recently launched a new video titled "Women in Academic Science: A Changing Landscape" online. Starting in 2011, students at Park Productions have teamed with the Cornell Institute for Women in Science, funded by the National Institute of Health, to create and distribute a series of educational outreach videos.
Over the last three years, Ithaca College students have collaborated on filming, directing, producing and editing thirteen videos for the YouTube channel Park Productions programs for CIWS. The new video went public as the New York Times published an Op-Ed written by CIWS co-founders Wendy Williams and Stephen Ceci. The article and the video summarize the findings of their research into gender bias in academic science. The CIWS report finds that while the academy has a history of gender bias, this no longer exists and points to other reasons for the continued under-representation of women in the fields of engineering, computer science, and the physical sciences. See the video here: Read the Op-Ed here: