NOV 12 530pm: CULTURA! Ithaca Special Buen Vivir Popular Education Workshop: Building a New Politics in Cajibio, Colombia and Ithaca, NY


Contributed by Patricia Rodriguez

This popular and participatory education workshop will prepare our community for the visit on Nov. 17-19 with Marylen Serna Salinas, who is a local leader among the campesino (small farmers) movement in Colombia, and a national leader of the Agrarian Summit and the People's Congress. Ithaca community activists will learn about the unified political aspirations of campesinos, indigenous peoples, and Afro-Colombians, and discuss how these goals relate to our aspirations for political transformation in Ithaca.


WED NOV 12 530-730 @ GIAC, Teen Room. 301 W. Court St, downtown

Event is free and open to public. Light dinner will be served at 530. Workshop starts at 6pm.

check out :

organized by Sponsored by Colombia Support Network -Central New York Sister Community with Cajibio; cosponsored by GIAC, Multicultural Resource Center and CULTURA! Ithaca.


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