"Israel's Legal Claim to Jerusalem" - A talk with Judge Stephen Adler: Hosted by IC Student Alliance For Israel


Contributed by Joshua Edrich

Join us for a presentation about "Israel's Legal Claim to Jerusalem: the Legal Status of the Holy Places and Their Importance in World Politics." Judge Stephen Adler will lead a presentation and discussion as to why Israel is the best legal option for holding jurisdiction of the holy sites in the city of Jerusalem and the justifications for such claims. Please join us for an extraordinary privilege to hear Judge Adler speak to the IC community. Refreshments and pizza will be provided! November 17th, 6-7:30PM Clark Lounge, Ithaca College Campus Center

Judge Adler is currently lecturing at Cornell University's School of Industrial and Labor Relations, of which he is an alumnus, on his work as the President (Chief Justice) of the Israeli National Labor Court for over a decade. He worked such cases as disputes between employee and employer, but also cases of much larger magnitudes in bringing justice to entire labor unions. Quoting journalist Shlomo Maital of The Jerusalem Post in an article title, Missing Steve, "He was regarded as tough and fair. He once stopped a teachers' strike, viewing it as partially political. But he also ruled frequently on workers' behalf, including granting overtime pay to legal interns.' But more importantly touching on Judge Adler's personal life he writes, "He [Judge Adler] one said that his best mediating experience came from raising five sons. Adler was a great listener. He always treated both sides with respect, listened to their case patiently and led endless hours and days and nights of collective bargaining, focusing on a fair deal." Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodation should contact IC SAFI at ithsafi@gmail.com

