Michael Malpass (Anthropology) presents paper on research


Contributed by David Turkon


His paper "The Middle Horizon Site of Sonay: New Radiocarbon Dates (!) and Interpretations (?)" was presented at the 33rd annual Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory at the University of Vermont on Oct. 18-19.




Professor Malpass presented his paper, "The Middle Horizon Site of Sonay: New Radiocarbon Dates (!) and Interpretations (?)," at the 33rd annual Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory at the University of Vermont on Oct. 18-19. The paper discussed new interpretations of the importance of the site of Sonay based on two new accelerator mass spectrometry dates from the site.  Earlier dates had suggested a very late occupation for the site, but the samples were from just outside the main compound.  The new dates, one of which came from directly underneath the compound, supported the earlier dates.  Discussion ensued concerning whether ceramic or architectural data were more relevant to assessing the cultural affiliations of a site.





