On-Campus Internship Opportunities with Project Look Sharp


Contributed by Sherrie Szeto

We are a nonprofit on-campus organization that supports media literacy integration into K- College classrooms by providing media literacy materials, curricula, and workshops for educators.  Join our team in this Spring in Promotions and Marketing or Sustainability Curriculum Development to help promote critical thinking and media literacy skills for our diverse international audience.

We accept internships between 1 and 3 credits, and the hours are flexible.

Spring 2014 internship opportunities available in marketing and curriculum development. See descriptions below:

1. Media Literacy Curriculum Development in Sustainability Education
Adapt current lessons and create new lessons for our Media Constructions of Sustainability media literacy curriculum kit. Particular focus will be on English Language Arts lessons at the elementary and middle school levels and tying to the common core standards. Help design and execute a needs assessment, background research, media document searching and lesson drafting and editing.  Participate in design and evaluation plans for professional development through webinar technology for sustainability educators. This internship will deepen your media literacy skills through the application of document based questioning to the study of sustainability in food, water and agriculture; encourage practice in research skills in the area of still and moving image documents; and understand lesson design including goal/objective setting, standards alignment and diversified assessments.

2. Promotion and Marketing   (4 Internship Opportunities)
Gain skills and experience in marketing and promotion and an understanding of media literacy by working with our media expert Ari Kissiloff and a small team of interns to implement a promotion plan for Project Look Sharp.  The internship includes the following activities:

-Concentration 1: Database and Website Marketing

·        Research and contact new and existing target groups for specific marketing

·        Analyze website presence and initiate outreach proposals based on research

·        Learn to use Filemaker and create scripts

·        Craft emails to media literacy and education contacts

·        Post existing educational lessons to websites

·        Research, propose, and implement additional promotional activities

-Concentration 2: Design Marketing

·        Design, create, and update promotional flyers and advertisements via InDesign,
         Photoshop, or I-works

·        Learn Constant Contact cloudware and analyze outreach data

·        Research, propose, and implement additional promotional activities

-Concentration 3: Social Media Marketing

·        Advise on, implement, and grow our existing and future social networking
         outreach initiatives (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.)

·        Help create and update “This Day in History” automated twitter database

·        Learn to use Google Analytics and present data to the PLS staff

·        Research, propose, and implement additional promotional activities

-Concentration 4: Media Outreach Marketing

·        Develop a media outreach plan and timetable for the semester

·        Design, draft, send and follow-up communications to different media outlets

·        Coordinate marketing efforts with Ithaca Media Relations for press releases

·        Learn to use Filemaker, research and add media contacts to the database

·        Develop a video & audio production plan for media outreach (e.g., for media

·        Help develop a long-term plan for continued media outreach


How to apply:  www.projectlooksharp.org

1.     Online form: go to our website and select “Internships” from the left menu bar.

2.     Hardcopy form: download the form from our website and send to:

3.     Pick up an application from 104 Williams Hall & return it to the same office.

For additional questions, please contact Sherrie Szeto:  sszeto@ithaca.edu, or call our office at 274-3471.

 ** We accept applications until all positions are filled.

