Know someone who needs some extra love?


Contributed by Sabrina Knight

 Do you have a friend or co-worker who has been feeling blue lately? Do you wish you could do something for them? You’re in luck — there is something you can do! Nominate them to receive a Love Letter Bundle from IC More Love Letters!



ICMLL is a club on campus with a mission to make Ithaca College a happier, more loving place. We hide “love letters” — kind and encouraging notes — on campus for anyone to find, and we also write to specific people who need it the most based on your nominations.


When you nominate someone to receive a Love Letter Bundle from ICMLL, we will send out your request to all our club members, and everyone will write a personalized, uplifting note to your nominee. Once all the letters are written, you can give that special someone their bundle full of encouraging messages.


To nominate someone, please fill out this form:


Rest assured, the identity of your nominee and any information you provide about their current situation will remain confidential — we understand that personal situations are not for the whole campus to know about. On your request form, simply provide a nickname or an initial to represent your nominee, and that nickname/initial will be all our club will ever know them as.


Email us with any questions at

Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram and like us on Facebook! Our handle is @ICCampusCursive If you ever find a hidden love letter on campus, we’d love to hear from you!