Belisa González accepts position as Director of the Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity


Contributed by Michael Richardson

The School of Humanities and Sciences is pleased to announce that Dr. Belisa González has accepted the position of Director of the Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity. Dr. González will assume the responsibilities of her new position on August 15, 2015.

Dr. González received her PhD from Emory University in 2006 and has been a member of the Department of Sociology since 2007. She was granted tenure and promotion to the rank of Associate Professor in 2013.  Since arriving at Ithaca College, she has been an active participant in Center activities, particularly the CSCRE Discussion Series. Her areas of specialization are Race and Ethnic Relations, Stratification/Inequality, and Intergroup relations among communities of color. Her current research project, “Discrimination, Boundary Negotiation and Mobility Strategies Among Middle Class Latino Immigrants in the Nuevo South,” is funded by the National Science Foundation and examines Mexican and Dominican middle class immigrants’ experiences with discrimination in Atlanta in order to investigate whether and how those experiences translate into mobility strategies.

Dr. González succeeds Dr. Asma Barlas, who has served as Director of the Center since 2006.