Honors Application Deadline this Friday


Contributed by Thomas Pfaff

This is a reminder that the deadline to apply to the Ithaca College Honors Program is this Friday. Details follow.

Interested first and second year students are invited to apply to the Ithaca College Honors Program. The Honors Program engages a community of scholars in a highly enhanced liberal arts program that offers a variety of curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular opportunities to foster critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, and lifelong learning.  More information can be found at https://www.ithaca.edu/honors/

Applications are due to the Honors Director, honors@ithaca.edu, by Friday December 12, 2014 and must include a brief recommendation by a faculty member and two essays responding to the prompts below.  Sophomores must also include a plan that demonstrates that they have room in their final five semesters  for 19 credits of Honor courses. Admission to the Honors Program is competitive and limited, and will be based on the two essays, faculty recommendation, and fall semester grades (a GPA of 3.0 is necessary for consideration).  Students will be notified about their application by mid-January and admitted students must enroll in an Honors class for the spring 2015 semester to be fully admitted into the program.

Essay Prompts:  (1) In honors seminars, you’ll think critically across disciplines and engage in an open exchange of thoughts and opinions. If you could design a new seminar for the Ithaca College Honors Program, what would its subject be and how would it be run? Please be specific about the readings, experiences, and teaching approaches you would want to incorporate into your seminar.

(2) Students in the program enjoy learning, thinking, and challenging themselves through coursework, late night debates, and engaging in new experiences. Based on this, why do you want to be part of the Ithaca College Honors program and how do you expect to contribute to this community?

