Do you know someone with MS (multiple sclerosis) or have a close friend or relative who knows someone dealing with MS? Looking to join an organization that positively impacts the IC community? Check out ICMSA (Ithaca College Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Club)! Under the leadership of Julie Donner (President), ICMSA has become a powerful force on campus that brings awareness to the student body on MS (Multiple Sclerosis). Julie, like other members of the organization got involved because someone close to her had been diagnosed with MS and she wanted to know what she could do to help.
As an organization, ICMSA is dedicated to raising awareness for MS as well as funding research and supporting community members affected by the disease. Their weekly meetings consist of discussions on why they are members of the organization, how they can fundraise and why it is so important to spread awareness.
This past semester, ICMSA sold footprints in the IC Bookstore and tie-dyed shirts on the academic quad to raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. Their biggest event of the semester is the 6th Annual Dinner Dance which is Saturday, December 6th. There will be a buffet dinner, raffles, guest speakers and DJ. All proceeds will go to the MS Society.
ICMSA promises to continue developing compelling programming throughout next semester to bring awareness and raise money for those who are living with MS.
To learn about ICMSA please visit their Orgsync Page and like them on Facebook. If you would like to participate and join ICMSA, feel free to come to their meetings on Tuesdays at 8pm in Williams 222.
To lean more about ICMSA and other student organization click here to read Club Hub Volume 5 Issue 7