The events of recent weeks across the country and here in Ithaca have affected each of us in the Ithaca College community. Many students, staff, and faculty have been experiencing feelings of loss, confusion, sadness, and anger. Healing begins when we can share our reactions with each other, and have those reactions heard. Student Affairs and Campus Life and The Center for Counseling, Health and Wellness want to remind you that support is here for you.
Members of the campus community can provide support for one another, noticing those who are struggling to process intense emotions and to complete work for the semester and prepare for finals. Please remember to get support for yourself as well, whether it is from friends and family, from professors or other staff with whom you are connected, or from services provided by the college.
Support services for students are available through the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) by calling 607-274-3136. Faculty and staff can access the counseling services of the Employee Assistance Program by calling 1-800-327-2255. For more information on support services, visit Chaplains, Career Counselors, Residential Life Staff, and Health Center staff are also among those available and willing to help support students and help students find resources.
If you are concerned about the emotional health of a particular student, please consider utilizing the Assisting Students at Risk (ASR) program at to report your concerns.
The mission of the ASR initiative is to provide a central place for faculty, staff, and students to communicate concerns when the well being of a student or the safety of the campus community is an issue, and to provide information and education to the campus community about risk issues and resources. Assisting Students at Risk is a collaborative effort between the Office of Student Affairs and Campus Life and CAPS.
Please help keep the important conversations on issues of local and national concern going. The health and well-being of our entire community can only be improved by continuing the dialogue and discussion that has already begun.
Rory Rothman
Senior Associate Vice President, Student Affairs and Campus Life
Suki Montgomery Hall
Assistant Director, Center for Counseling, Health and Wellness