David Turkon (anthropology) presents paper and organizes program on Africa at annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association


Contributed by Michael Malpass

 David Turkon (anthropology) presented "Using a Social Network Paradigm 
in Evaluating Physical and Mental Health Development in South Africa" on Dec. 4 at 
the 113th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. As Program Editor and an elected board member for the Association for Africanist Anthropology, David also 
organized the scientific program on Africa for the meetings.

 David's paper discussed the rationale and a methodology for 
complementing quantitative measures of childhood development with an 
understanding of the social and cultural context within which they take 
place. His research is based on participation in the study, "Future Impacts 
Today" or FIT, which will evaluate physical and mental health 
development of a large cohort in the Free State of South Africa from 19 
weeks gestation to 20 years old. FIT is currently seeking funding with a 
target of 2016 for start-up. 

