Olivia Abry (Sport Management Class of 2017) published her research on the benefits of employer supports for schedule flexibility and schedule predictability on the website One Million for Work Flexibility. Her editorial argues that flextime enhances parents’ capacities to support their children. In return for flexible work arrangements, employees reciprocate by being more productive. As promising as flexible work arrangements might be, Olivia suggests that options are not realistic for every labor market. That does not mean that work cannot be re-imagined to optimize work-family harmony. For example, schedules for some hourly jobs are sporadic and posted just days before. In an hourly wage jobs, predictability is incredibly important. Posting schedules a week in advance is one way to help. Sometimes simple solutions can make a world of difference.
Olivia Abry read over 45 articles and book chapters in the process of writing this editorial, performed during the Fall 2015 semester in Stephen Sweet’s sociology course Work and Family.
Read the article here: