Cindy French leaving for new position in North Carolina


Contributed by David Prunty

After more than 19 years of dedicated and innovative service to Ithaca College, Cindy French has announced that she will be leaving Ithaca College to take a new position at AlphaGraphics, a privately owned print shop located in Cary, NC.

When Cindy started in the College’s then Duplicating Center/Print Shop, equipment consisted of two small one color presses, a camera and bindery equipment.  The year she started the College purchased its first high speed copier.

During Cindy’s time at Ithaca College the Print Shop has seen tremendous change due to technological advances that have impacted the print industry along with the College’s print shop.  Cindy has been instrumental in the continued success of the College’s print shop throughout the past 19 years.  Some of Cindy’s most notable accomplishments have been her involvement in transferring the bulk mail processing from our Mail Services department into the Print Shop operations, continued upgrades to software and equipment, as well as, her assistance in the implementation of the College’s ability to utilize variable data in the print production process.  Cindy’s most recent contribution was her leadership in the successful implementation of WebCRD, the print shop’s new online intake system.

Please join me in wishing Cindy the very best as she leaves Ithaca College for her new position and next adventure.  Cindy's last day on campus will be February 6, 2015, she will be missed!