Heart Health Facebook Trivia is Going on Now!


Contributed by Katie Sack

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one killer of men and women in the United States. It is the leading cause of disability, preventing Americans from working and from physical family fun activities.  American Heart Month in February allows Americans to learn about the risks associated with heart disease and stroke and provides a time for you and your loved ones to learn how to stay “heart healthy”.

What better way to learn, than you test your knowledge with the Heart Health Trivia Challenge

Participating is EASY:

  1. “Like” the Mind, Body, Me Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/MindBodyMeIthacaCollege) and look for trivia questions posted every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday throughout the month of February!
  2. Message us on the Mind, Body, Me Facebook page with the question number and answer to each trivia question.
  3. After you submit your answer, “like” the corresponding trivia question picture posted to Facebook (do this for each answer you submit). The deadline for submitted answers is Saturday, February 28, 2015!
  4. Look for the correct answers posted on Monday, March 2nd. A winner will be announced shortly after!

If you have any questions regarding this challenge, please contact us at mindbodyme@ithaca.edu, 274-8000, or message us on Facebook. You can also visit https://www.ithaca.edu/hr/benefits/wrklife/go_red for more information and read heart healthy blogs at https://www.ithaca.edu/hr/benefits/blogs/work-life

