New Residential Learning Community for Fall 2015!


Contributed by Barth Myers

The Interfaith community is an opportunity for Ithaca College students to explore and expand their understanding of their own faiths and others’ faiths. The community emphasizes respect for differing perspectives, focuses on service through the lens of interfaith, and explores how faith plays a role in the college experience.  Many students feel a stigma towards “religion” (as opposed to spirituality); this community acknowledges the diversity of how Ithaca College’s students live their faith and serves to help us all learn from one another

The Interfaith community is located on the 2nd floor of Terrace 5 and is co-ed by door. Residents who choose to live in this community participate in community dinners, discussions, and events together.

The Learning Outcomes for students who choose to live in the Interfaith community are:

  1. Learn the basic tenets of major faiths.
  2. Have an awareness of major faiths' holidays and observances.
  3. Be able to engage in respectful dialogue with students of other faiths.
  4. Foster a community of religious acceptance, measured through participation.
  5. Create events on campus that promote interfaith dialogue.
  6. Clarify one's own personal beliefs.