The Center for Faculty Excellence is pleased to announce its Faculty-in-Residence for the 2015-2016 academic year. Each of the Residents will focus on a project that has relevance for the college community.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) and its links to creativity will be the focus of new Resident, Debbie Rifkin, Associate Professor of Music Theory.
Robert Sullivan, Associate Professor of Communication Studies, will have as his focus the further development of faculty collaborations with undergraduates in scholarship, research, and creative inquiry.
An inquiry into the status of digital humanities at IC will be the focus of Gary Wells, Associate Professor of Art History. It is hoped that his work will lead to a broader development of digital humanities at the college.
Gordon Rowland, Professor of Communication, will build on his work on interdisciplinarity by focusing on applications of integrated inquiry.
Gary Sforzo, Professor of Exercise and Sports Science, will continue his work on technology-enhanced learning with a particular emphasis on enhancing practice-based learning using classroom hybridization.
We welcome Debbie, Bob, Gordon, and both Garys and look forward to working with each of them in the next academic year.