Wed. Feb. 25th @ 12-12:50pm, Taughannock Falls Room, 3rd Floor Campus Center
Learn about what it means to access your intuition so you can expand your confidence and decision-making tools!
For anyone who is passionate about living a joyful, fulfilling life and making a difference! Life Coach Adrienne Masler will offer an intro to intuition and show you how to access your body’s wisdom so you can expand your decision-making tools. Learn what intuition is, what happens when you do — or don’t — tap into it, and 3 ways to access your intuition so you can make confident decisions for your life, health, and career.
This talk is part of the Wellness Wednesdays lecture series with special focus in rethinking health through discussion, and demonstration, from various experts in the field of health.
This is free and open to the entire campus community.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.