Enjoy an Interactive Dance Workshop!


Contributed by Katie Sack

Rueda De Casino (Rueda) 101– Share the fun and the excitement of Cuban style circle or square dancing in this introduction to Rueda dance. In Rueda de Casino multiple couples dance in a circle doing moves that are called out by the “cantante” or caller, who is also one of the circle dancers. The caller calls moves on the fly, celebrating dance and song, with everyone having a blast. Some of the moves are graceful and intricate while others are just plain fun, like “ping pong”, “el avion”, “salto”, “superman”, and “foto”. There are many different rueda styles, and you can dance rueda starting with as few as 2 couples to as many as 100, or even more! In this introductory 1 hour class you will be taught the rueda basic and some fun moves.

The instructor, Virgilio Pinto, is an experienced rueda dancer, caller, performer, and choreographer. He has done rueda performances with La Familia de la Salsa in Syracuse, Ithaca Salseros and Palante in Ithaca, to name a few, in addition to having run his own rueda group, “Ithakeros”. Virgilio is often sought out to call rueda de casino whenever and wherever he and Latin music coincide.

Check out these videos:

Rueda De Casino
Thursday, March 5th at 12pm
Ithaca College Fitness Center Aerobics Room
RSVP to benefits@ithaca.edu  

Feel free to email any questions you have one week before the presentation to vpinto@ithaca.edu or to benefits@ithaca.edu.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Katie Sack at ksack@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-8000. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

