2015 ECAR Faculty Study on Information Technology Will Begin Feb 16th.


Contributed by Marilyn Dispensa

Under the new leadership of Chief Information Officer, Keith 'Mac' McIntosh, ITS kindly asks faculty members to participate in the 2015 Educause Center for Analysis and Research (ECAR) Study of Faculty and Information Technology. This survey will be given in lieu of the biannual Ithaca College Faculty Survey on Instructional Technology which had been given in 2009, 2011, and 2013. A sample of faculty will be emailed an invitation to this survey on February 16th.  ECAR is offering the chance to win a $100 gift card from Amazon for survey participants.

The results of this survey will provide ITS and campus leaders information to better understand the technology usage and needs of faculty and will combined with data from over 150 institutions.  Participation is voluntary but appreciated. Those who recently participated in the Techqual+ survey in October 2014, will not be asked to complete these surveys as well.

Ithaca College Faculty Survey on Instructional Technology Reports

Information on the 2014 ECAR Student and Faculty Technology Research Studies

Please direct any questions to Marilyn Dispensa mdispensa@ithaca.edu

