Updates Related to ICC - Spring 2015


Contributed by Tammy Sritecha

Please note the following list of updates and requests related to the ICC as we move toward the middle of the semester.

1. So that both faculty and students have a clear sense of when ICC course designations become effective, CCR has established deadlines for proposal submission. These deadlines will enable CCR to provide faculty with a review response sufficiently in advance of the semester for planning purposes.

Faculty are encouraged to submit proposals early in the semester preceding the desired designation to increase the likelihood that the review process is completed before course registration in November or April. The deadlines above are the absolute latest that proposals will be considered by CCR for a given semester. (To find the latest proposal forms please check the CCR web page.)

2. Evaluations of student portfolio submissions for the ICC social sciences and diversity requirements were conducted in January. We now need teams of faculty to draw conclusions from the evaluation results and provide recommendations on improving student achievement of learning outcomes in these areas. These teams would meet for a total of 2-3 hours over the course of the spring semester to complete this work. Please email icc@ithaca.edu if you are interested in serving on one of these groups.

3. In late May, evaluation sessions will be held for student portfolio submissions for the Academic Writing I (May 26-27), creative arts (May 27-28), and humanities (May 28-29) ICC components. Faculty interested in evaluating during these sessions should email icc@ithaca.edu and indicate which session is of interest. Lunch and coffee are provided both days of each session and evaluators are paid a stipend of $500 for each two day session.

4. Sessions on designing assignments to meet ICC student learning outcomes are scheduled for the Center for Faculty Excellence this semester. During these sessions, faculty share assignments that effectively enable students to show achievement of ICC outcomes. Upcoming events include designing humanities artifacts on February 25th from 2-3pm and designing quantitative literacy artifacts on March 2nd from 2-3pm; please register at www.ithaca.edu/cfe. Sample assignment guidelines and syllabi are also available on the ICC website (www.ithaca.edu/icc/facstaff/protected/iccdevelopment).

5. Later in the semester, calls will go out for CCR representatives from the Schools of H&S and Music, as well as one at-large representative. Terms are for two years (2015-2017 academic years).

Danette Johnson
Vice Provost, Academic Programs
Office of the Provost & VPEA

