Today is the last day to be an OSEMA Recognized Student Organization!!!!


Contributed by Theresa Johnson

The deadline to be an OSEMA Recognized Student Organization is March 6, 2015. Student organizations that are not recognized may not advertise, use Ithaca College resources, or make venue reservations until their recognition is completed.

To become a recognized student organization at Ithaca College each student organization, new and returning, must meet the following requirements::


1.     Complete Student Organization Recognition form on OrgSync
Complete those steps.
                     Returning Student Organizations click here
                     New student organization click here

2.     Have 10 active members (4 officers- 1 presiding officer; 1 finance manager)

3.     A full time Ithaca College employee must agree to be the adviser by signing an Adviser Agreement  approving your recognition submission*

4.     A Constitution that states the mission statement, membership and the discrimination clause 

5.     Complete the Officer Requirement*
      Student Organization officers are required to receive training.

o   The three officers are required to complete the officer quiz.

o   All Treasurers are required to complete the treasurer quiz

*The adviser agreement and officer quizzes are emailed once the Student Organization Recognition form has been submitted.

If you have any questions throughout this process please  contact the OSEMA office 607-274-3222.