Student's Today, Alumni Tomorrow presents the second annual I Love IC Week.
Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow presents the second annual I Love IC Week!
February 23rd: IC Kindness Day: 10am-3pm in Campus Center
Join STAT and IC Pay it Forward to be kind today! (FREE stickers are also available)
February 24th: 5 Under 5: Looking Back, Moving Forward
5 young alumni from each of the 5 schools will be sharing their experiences at IC and after graduation. The event will be in the A&E center from 6-8pm. The event is also available for SLI credit, so be sure to sign up through Org Sync
February 25th: Celebrate IC!
Why do you love IC? Join STAT from 10am-3pm in Campus Center and tell us why you love IC!
February 26th: Get the Scoop on Philanthropy
Write thank you cards to donors of the college and receive free ice cream from our celebrity scoopers! The even is 11am-1pm in Emerson Suites. Ithacapella and VoiceStream will also be performing during the lunch hour.