Naeem Inayatullah (Politics) participated in five panels at the
International Studies Association annual meeting.
Contributed by Chip Gagnon
Naeem Inayatullah (Politics) attended the 56th annual meeting of the International Studies Association, in New Orleans, Louisiana, February 18-21, 2015. He participated in five panels:
- “Why Don’t I See the Problem," roundtable presenter for Strategies of Critique for Narrative Approaches;
- Chair for the panel, Politics of Survival: Debilitation, Precarity, and Resilience;
- Co-host for “Narrative Approaches,” in Critical Security Studies Methods Café;
- Roundtable presenter in the panel, Race and International Relations: A Debate Around John Hobson’s “The Eurocentric Conception of World Politics,” and,
- Chair for the panel “Telling Stories: Migration, Translation, Complicity”