Dr. Ed Baptist, Associate Professor of History at Cornell University, will be on campus Tuesday, February 24, to share insights from his new book The Other Half Hasn’t Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism (Basic Books) and from his crowdsourcing project, Freedom on the Move. In a review of Dr. Baptist’s new book, the Daily Beast notes that “Baptist turns the long-accepted argument that slavery was economically inefficient on its head, and argues that it was an integral part of America's economic rise."
Schedule of Events for Tuesday, February 24, 2015 10:50am Class visit to Dr. Vivian Conger’s “The American Revolution” in Friends 308 (Please contact Dr. Conger if you wish to join her class at vconger@ithaca.edu) Noon: Roundtable discussion of Dr. Baptist’s crowdsourcing project, Freedom on the Move in the Demotte Reading Room 6pm: Lecture “Slavery and American Capitalism” in CNS 112 · Please join us at 5:30pm outside of the lecture hall for light refreshments before the talk.