First-Ever IC Giving Day a Tremendous Success


Contributed by Chris Biehn

On February 26, 2015, our Ithaca College community came together like never before in a one-day effort to generate support for our students and our college. On behalf of the Division of Institutional Advancement, I want to thank you for making our first-ever IC Giving Day such a tremendous success!

This was a historic moment for IC. We ended the 24-hour period with 2,306 gifts representing $735,249. The college also set a new record for most gifts received in a single day.

Our overall goal for the day was to spur participation and generate enthusiasm within our IC community, and did we ever meet that goal! The day was punctuated by challenges and friendly competitions that “unlocked” prize money to schools that had the “Most Alumni Donors” or “Most Faculty/Staff Donors,” for instance. We also had the support of a group of alumni who drove the action along by offering matching gifts as we met each goal: a gift of $226,000 when we reached 607 participants; two $100,000 gifts as we reached 953 and 1485.0; and a $50,000 gift when we logged 1892 participants.

I would like to offer thanks, as well, to the following people and areas for their incredible help in making IC Giving Day happen: President Rochon; all the vice presidents and deans; the Division of Institutional Advancement; the Office of Marketing Communications; the Center for Print Production; and Campus Center & Event Services.

Also, the #ICGivingDay hashtag lives on, so feel free to continue the conversation on social media. During the course of the day, the hashtag reached more than 726,000 Twitter users — that’s over three-quarters of a million people interacting with the tweeted messages!

Once again, THANK YOU for making IC Giving Day such a huge success!