Update: This problem was resolved as of the afternoon of 3/5.
Information Technology Services (ITS) would like to inform you that the Parnassus Workflow Notification emails are not being sent due to a problem with the connection between Parnassus and Outlook.
The workflows themselves continue to function normally within Parnassus, and notifications are still being placed in the “Worklist” box on the Parnassus home page. However, with the email notifications not being sent out, Parnassus users will need to login to Parnassus in order to see and/or process workflow notifications. For example, when a time card is submitted, the supervisor will not get a notification email, and the submitter will not get an approval email notification. Both users need to log into Parnassus directly to see the notifications.
ITS is working closely with both Microsoft and Oracle to resolve this issue as soon as possible. We regret the inconvenience caused by this problem.
ITS Helpdesk
104 Job Hall