Recent Publication by Max Klemes(’15), Lars Soderstrom ('14) and Chemistry department faculty Anna Larsen and Janet Hunting.


Contributed by Maria Russell

Crystal structure of 1-butyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium dicarba-7,8-nido-undecaborate

Acta Cryst. (2015), (E71), o183, M. J. Klemes, L. Soderstrom, J. L. Hunting and A. S. Larsen

The crystal structure of 1-butyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium dicarba-7,8-nido-undecaborate was  published in specialized crystallographic journal.  The structure was solved using Ithaca College’s single crystal X-ray diffractometer facilities. This is  the FOURTH publication  which includes the crystallographic data collected on the single crystal X-ray diffractometer since it was purchased by IC Chemistry department in 2013.  The compound was synthesized in Anna Larsens' laboratory and crystal sample was prepared by Lars Sodertsrom and Max Klemes.  

The title compound  belongs to the class of new  low melting ionic materials with carborane cluster anions, investigated for their valuable electrochemical properties.