Discussion on Solitary Confinement Hosted by IC Books Thru Bars


Contributed by Irma Perez

Join ICBTB and the Ithaca Prisoner Justice Network in Friends 203 on March 31st at 7:00 pm as we host a discussion on solitary confinement. 

Can you imagine spending your life in a room the size of an elevator? Right now, more than 80,000 people in America are doing that every day. In addition to having the world's largest prison population, the United States also has a large solitary confinement population. Join us in Friends 203 to learn more about this practice and why it is problematic for our society. The event will kick off with a quick introduction from Keri Blakinger, a local activist. A brief video on solitary confinement will introduce viewers to the practice and its problems, after which solitary confinement survivor and prison activist Stacy Burnett will offer a more personal perspective on the practice as well as some background on pending state legislation to limit it use. After a question and answer session, event attendees will have the opportunity to sign petitions and learn more about ways to get involved locally.  

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Irma Perez at booksthrubars@gmail.com. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

