Brooke presented on "Agricultural and Culinary Tourism on the Big Island of Hawai'i: Assessment of Current Models and Directions for the Future" at the Society for Applied Anthropology Meetings, Pittsburgh, PA, March 26.
The presentation was based on research conducted during her fall 2014 sabbatical at the University of Hawai'i, Hilo.
Since the recession of 2008, the tourism industry in Hawaii has struggled to recover with varied success. One of the more recent initiatives to bolster both the tourist and agricultural economies has been to link agricultural and culinary tourism. This effort has highlighted recent popular trends in "farm to table" and "locovore" practices by working with small and mid-sized farms, restaurants and festivals to attract tourists. Theoretical perspectives and applied directions were reviewed. Several case studies were examined, including the Hilo Grown Tour, the Puna Culinary Festival and the Hamakua Mushrooms Tour to discuss various models, their implications for stakeholders and recommendations for the future.
Picture: Brooke's UHH fall 2014 Anthropology of Food class touring Hawaiian Crown Plantation Chocolate Factory.