IC-Longview Intergenerational Talent Show


Contributed by Karen Edwards

The students of Ithaca College and the residents of Longview are pleased to announce the first ever IC-Longview Intergenerational Talent Show!!

Please come join us on Friday, April 17th from 7-8pm at Longview to enjoy a showcase of talents from both IC students and Longview residents as a way to foster the relationship between these two rich communities. The talent show will comprise of up to 12 acts for a fun-filled hour.

We are also pleased to host a brief social after the talent show fit with refreshments and delightful conversation.

*Transportation will not be provided to and from the event.*

If you are interested in becoming one of our performers, please contact Amanda Fogus at amandafogus@gmail.com by April 13th.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Esther Kim at ykim2@ithaca.edu. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

