The implementation of WebCRD and trainings offered through December of 2014 provided the opportunity for the campus to become familiar with using the new online print ordering system.
On January 13, the Center for Print Production notified the campus in Intercom that the “ copyit” email address for the submission of print orders would be discontinued on February 9th. Print submissions sent to this email address received a reply directing the campus to use WebCRD and to call Glen at 4-5702 for assistance.
Effectively immediately, these email accounts have been deleted and submissions to either of these accounts will receive an undeliverable bounce back message.
Please contact Glen at 4-5702 for assistance or to set up a training for faculty and staff in your school or department. In addition, Glen can remote into your desktop to provide support navigating WebCRD.
Please visit to enter the portal, figure price quotes and print the training manual.