Raising Children in a Digital World


Contributed by Jason Harrington

Please join Ithaca Waldorf School (IWS), Ithaca College Recreation & Leisure Studies, Alliance for Childhood, and Ithaca Children's Garden's Hands-on Anarchy Zone for two important events:

 Child development experts agree: kids need less screen time, more play time 

Please join Ithaca Waldorf School (IWS), Ithaca College Recreation & Leisure Studies, Alliance for Childhood, and Ithaca Children's Garden's Hands-on Anarchy Zone for two important events:

"Raising Children in a Digital World," a free research-based presentation, and

"The Value of Risk in Children's Play," a hands-on workshop, both are part of IWS' Joan Moora lecture series.

"Raising Children in a Digital World," is presented by Joan Almon, internationally-renowned early childhood consultant, educator and researcher, who offers research-based guidance on: managing screen time, sorting through marketing hype, and more.  This event is funded in part by Title One funding from the Ithaca City School District and is free and open to the public. April 24th at 7pm at Ithaca College, Hill Center, rm 104.   

"The Value of Risk in Children's Play," "Play and Playgrounds around the World," and "Practice of Playwork," will be discussed during workshops that offer research-based concepts for engaging children in healthy play and learning.   Workshops are led by Ms. Almon, Rusty Keeler, and the Ithaca Children's Garden -- home of the Hands-On Anarchy Zone. April 25th, from 8:30am - 1:00pm at Ithaca Waldorf School, 20 Nelson Rd.  The cost is $30 per person.  Childcare is available.

RSVP: Ithaca Waldorf School, (607) 256-2020; visit us on Facebook or at ithacawaldorf.org for more information

