Sustainable Living: A Holistic Approach to Health, HLTH 21400 CRN #10086 is a 3 credit online Summer Course offered during the May 26-June 26
ICC Themes: The Quest for a Sustainable Future and Power and Justice
ICC Perspectives: Social Science & Natural Sciences
Below is a summary of the course content. Please contact Srijana Bajracharya at for more information.
This liberal arts course on holistic health focuses on the environmental sustainability approaches with multi-disciplinary perspectives involved in sustainability and its relation to human health. 3 credits. LA, HLTH 21400 CRN #10086
This course will follow Burns model of sustainability education which suggests using not only the Content on sustainability but also using multiple Perspectives and Power relationships through various in-class or outside experiential learning and learning from one another, go through Processes by getting involved in various mini class assignments and making personal goals and objectives on sustainability positive behaviors. In addition, the focus on Context, making connection with local environment and the community, students will be able to self-reflect on every step and Design their own transformational learning process.