The Student Leadership Institute Final Countdown


Contributed by Samantha Stafford

The Student Leadership Institute is in its final weeks of sessions for the 2014-2015 academic year! Make sure to sign up for the last sessions of Block IV ASAP!


Leading Self

4/21- Commercial Real Estate: The Filed Often Overlooked with Multiple Career Opportunities from 12:10-1pm

4/22- Who Needs Sleep? From 4-5pm

Leading in a Diverse World

4/21- Identity Blindness from 4-5pm

4/22- Lessons in Leadership – Globally Diverse Work Teams from 7-8pm

Leading Others

4/21- The Marshmallow Challenge from 7-8pm

4/23- Sustainability Forum from 12:05-1:00pm 

Please remember to sign up at least 48 hours in advance. If you can no longer attend a session please click ‘no’ to un-RSVP or email in order to open up your spot to another student. Thank you!