Archaeogeophysical and 3D laser scanning at the Old Fort Johnson National Historic Landmark site in Fort Johnson, New York provides a case study for creation of an integrated landscape. The ability to digitally image above and below ground features creates a new way of visualizing an integrated landscape.
Abstract: Archaeogeophysical and 3D laser scanning at the Old Fort Johnson National Historic Landmark site in Fort Johnson, New York provides a case study for creation of an integrated landscape. The ability to digitally image above and below ground features creates a new way of visualizing an integrated landscape. Above ground remains of historic structures often appear out of their original context. Defensive elements, outbuildings, agricultural areas, ceremonial areas, walkways, and shape of the ground surface may be modified or removed. Evidence for these former features on the original landscape may appear in historic documents, artwork, photographs, collective memory, and beneath the subsurface. Archaeogeophysical survey, historic document research, and other archaeological methods have the ability to help us visualize the landscape in its original state, and address anthropological questions.