Phi Kappa Phi Member? Exec Committee Seeks Two Student VPs for 2015-16


Contributed by Tammy Sritecha

The Ithaca College chapter of Phi Kappa Phi is currently seeking two Student Vice-President Representatives to sit on the Executive Committee for the 2015-2016 academic year.

To apply, students must be a Phi Kappa Phi member and a full time student - undergrad or grad - at Ithaca College on campus for the complete 2015-2016 academic year.

Duties will include assisting the executive committee with the annual fall and spring induction and award ceremonies, attend monthly executive committee meetings, aid with administrative tasks, produce a chapter newsletter, and provide input from the student’s perspective.

If you would like to nominate yourself for the position, please send a copy of your resume to Please make sure the email includes your name, major, class standing in 2015-16 (ex: senior), and a short paragraph as to why you would be a good candidate for the position. Please email your self-nomination no later than Wednesday, April 22nd.

Questions? Please email us at

Thank you and good luck!
Michelle Denison and Lisa Famularo
Phi Kappa Phi Student Vice-Presidents 2014-15