Organic Growing Season Begins Again!


Contributed by Theresa Johnson

Did you know that IC has an organic garden on campus?  Organic Growers of Ithaca College is a group of IC students interested in growing organic produce, and they are the student organization that takes care of this 3,600 square feet garden located down past the compost facility.  Ever since 2008, Organic Growers of Ithaca College has been using many sustainable farming techniques including permaculture design, crop rotation, companion planting, four-season food production, and heirloom seed saving.  This past week, the student organization hosted a talk with the owners of Plowbreak Farm, an organic farm owned and operated by two IC grads.

The weather has finally warmed up enough for the gardening season to begin, and this student organization is looking forward to another bountiful growing season.  Visit their website for opportunities to get involved!

For more information on this student organization and other student organization read the next issue of Club Hub.