Math Majors Present Research at MAA Seaway Section Meeting
Contributed by David Brown
Seven math majors presented their research at the 75th annual meeting of the Mathematical Association of America Seaway Section, held April 17-18 at Colgate University.
Student presentations:
- Katie Ahrens '15, In an Ocean of Ashes: Order and Chaos in Math and Literature
- Iancu Dima '16, The Laplace Transform and its Application to Special Functions
- Toryn Avery '17 and Erin Nannen '17, Kaprekar's Algorithm
- Ryan Bianconi '17, Infinite Series without Calculus
- Nathan Jue '18, Explorations with a Pascal-like Triangle Formed with Fibonacci Numbers
- Britney Mazzetta '18, Expressing Egyptian Fractions with Hexagonal Numbers