H & S Pre-Doctoral Diversity Fellow Panel April 28th 12:05 – 1:10 pm


Contributed by Brooke Hansen

Refreshments served! Please join us on Tues. April 28th in Klingenstein Lounge from 12:05-1:10 pm. The 2014-2015 fellows, all from the Department of Writing, are Christine Kitano, Lillian-Yvonne Bertram and Tyrell Stewart-Harris. ​



The School of Humanities and Sciences Office of the Dean and the Pre-Doctoral Diversity Fellowship Committee celebrate and welcome this year’s fellows in a panel discussion of their dissertation research and fellowship experience. Time for discussion will follow. 

Lillian-Yvonne Bertram is ABD in Creative Writing & Literature with an emphasis in poetry at the University of Utah. She received an MFA in creative writing from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a BA in Hispanic Studies and Creative Writing from Carnegie Mellon University. Her poetry has appeared in Harvard Review, Mid-American Review, Indiana Review, and other journals. Her first book, But a Storm is Blowing from Paradise, won the Red Hen Press 2010 Benjamin Saltman Poetry Award and was nominated for the 2013 Hurston/Wright Legacy Award. Her second book of poetry is forthcoming from Red Hen Press in 2016. From 2009-2011 she held the Gaius Charles Bolin Fellowship at Williams College.

Christine Kitano is ABD in English and Creative Writing at Texas Tech University. She received an MFA in creative writing from Syracuse University and a BA in creative writing from the University of California, Riverside. Her poetry has appeared in Tar River Poetry, Miramar, and The Comstock Review, among other journals. She is the author of a chapbook, as well as a book of poetry, Birds of Paradise, from Lynx House Press. Her creative dissertation, entitled “Sky Country,” revolves around the imagined experiences of her maternal and paternal grandmothers, who immigrated from Korea and Japan, respectively. She held a Presidential Fellowship at Texas Tech and has just returned from a summer of teaching in Japan.

Tyrell Stewart-Harris is ABD in English at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He received his MA in English from Portland State University and his BA in Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences from the University of Washington. His dissertation, entitled “Rhetoric, Race, and Residential Space,” combines rhetorical theory and race theory in the study of residential racial integration in Oak Park, Illinois. His teaching areas are composition, rhetorical theory, tutoring and writing center pedagogy, and African American Studies and race theory. He has received grants and awards for student leadership and service and has served as Assistant Director of the Writing Center at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where he also held a Presidential Fellowship.

For more information contact Donathan Brown at dlbrown@ithaca.edu or 607-274-7335.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodation should contact Donathan Brown as soon as possible.


This event is free and open to the public. 


